Thank you for your cheerful and faithful gift. Your contributions help us impact lives on a daily basis. Oasis appreciates your continued support.
You can send checks or electronic payments to Oasis Community Church / 3330 Winter Lake Rd. / Lakeland, FL / 33803.
Click HERE to give securely online. (Scroll down for a video with easy instructions.)
Text any amount to 84321 and then follow the self-guided steps.
Via the Church Center App [ Download for iPhone | Download for Android ]
A Note about Online Giving:
We ask that you practice good stewardship. You’ll be unable to give to Oasis using a credit card. Instead, use a debit card or your checking account. We do not want your gift to Oasis to cause debt.
To give REGULAR TITHES AND OFFERINGS online, click the "GIVE NOW" button.